





Long ago, the Soulstones were given to the Horadrim by the Archangel Tyrael. They were used to bind the three Prime Evils. I now know that even these holy artifacts were no match for Diablo’s power.

I hope that his two brothers are more securely held… but I fear the worst.


It takes time to master your skills… and use will hone your technique. But take care to choose your new skills wisely.


You may recover some mysterious things from the demons you kill. Some of great use to you… some of great peril! Bring them to me and I’ll reveal their secrets.


Have I told you about the Horadrim? They were an ancient confederation of mage-clans who sought to bind the three Prime Evils for eternity. The Horadrim are now nearly forgotten… and it appears that the bonds they wove are unravelling!

As the last of the Horadrim, I pray that I can help you remedy their failure.


Long ago, Diablo and his brothers were cast out of Hell by the Lesser Evils. It seems that Hell’s balance has shifted, as Andariel is now aligned with the Lord of Terror. Her presence here in the mortal realm does not bode well for us.

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