
就绪:We are as one! 闲聊:Must consume. 闲聊:Or oblivion will take us. 闲聊:Adun, save me. 闲聊:Darkness overpowering! 选中:Must have energy! 选中:We hear you. 选中:Thoughts in
就绪: Warp field stabilized. 闲聊:We sense a soul in search of answers. 闲聊:Do you seek knowledge of time travel? 闲聊:We’ll take that as a yes. 闲聊:And now for your first lesson. Hahaha. 闲聊:Do you seek knowledge of time travel? 选中:We feel your presence. 选中
就绪: Carrier has arrived! 闲聊:Our enemies are legion! 闲聊:And still you procrastinate!? 闲聊:Command, or you will be relieved! 闲聊:This is not an idle threat! 选中:Instructions. 选中:Your
就绪: The merging is complete! 施展技能 闲聊:It all looks so different on this side. 闲聊:Break on through! 闲聊:It’s beautiful! 闲聊:They should have sent a poet. 选中:We burn! 选中:We need focus! 选中:Thoras
就绪: It is a good day to die! 闲聊:Look at all the pretty lights! 闲聊:I wonder what this button does. 闲聊:(BEEP) I think this was a BIG mistake. 闲聊:(唱歌1) 闲聊:(唱歌2) 闲聊:Zefram Cochrane, is that
就绪: Adun Toridas! 闲聊:Your taunts are inadvised, Templar. 闲聊:Do not provoke me to violence. 闲聊:You can no more evade my wrath… 闲聊:..Than you could your own shadow. 选中:Yes? 选中:Zerashk gulida! 选中:I’
就绪: Hasah-hurditum-hari! 施展能量反馈1 施展能量反馈2 移动 闲聊:Your thoughts betray you. 闲聊:I see you have an appetite for destruction. appetite for destruction 是 Gun ’N Roses 乐队 1987 年的专辑,是史上销量最高的摇滚专辑之一。 闲聊:
就绪:I have returned. 闲聊:Unauthorized transmission. 闲聊:Incorrect protocol. 闲聊:Drop your weapon. You have 15 seconds to comply. 闲聊:5,4,3,2,1 (fire) 选中:Rece
就绪:My life for Aiur! 进攻 进攻2 使用 psionic blade 打击声 闲聊:En Taro Adun! 闲聊:All for the Empire! 闲聊:Doom to all who threaten the homeworld. 发怒(rage) 选中:What now calls? 选中:Issah’